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14 “Blank White Paper Movement“ Protestors Arrested Secretively | 14名“白纸运动”参与者遭中共当局秘密逮捕

Quoting from the BBC:

Protesters of China's "Blank Paper Movement" face repercussions after autumn crackdown; several participants missing or arrested

As China declared victory in its pandemic control measures, the iconic protest against the "zero tolerance" policy in November last year has started to fade from people's memories.

Despite the progress made by the entire country, many people who participated in the demonstrations have disappeared. They were taken away by the authorities in a quiet crackdown on dissidents.

During the so-called "Blank Paper Movement," thousands of people gathered on the streets, holding up blank paper at night to oppose the COVID-19 lockdown policy. Such criticism of the ruling Communist Party of China and its leader, Xi Jinping, was rare.

At the time, the police did not make any mass arrests. However, Chinese activists say that many protesters have been detained by the police several months later. One organization estimates that more than 100 people are now imprisoned.

Chinese authorities have not commented on the detention issue, but the BBC has been able to verify the names of 12 people arrested in Beijing through interviews with some protesters' friends and lawyers.

At least five of these people have been released on bail pending trial. Among those who are still in detention, four women—Cao Zhixin, Li Siqi, Li Yuanjing, and Zhai Dengrui—have been formally charged with "picking quarrels and provoking trouble." This is a notorious vague charge with a maximum sentence of five years, which critics say is often used to suppress dissent.

Many of the detainees are well-educated, some of whom have studied at universities in the UK and the US. Their identities include writers, journalists, musicians, teachers, and finance professionals.

Most of the detainees in Beijing come from a loose circle of friends who share a love for the arts and often meet at book clubs, film screenings, and salons.

Many of them are women, and there have been reports that the police have asked if they are feminists or have participated in "feminist activities." In recent years, China's authorities have been increasingly cracking down on or investigating feminist activists.

Although these people have social awareness, and some members have expressed support for the "MeToo" movement's figure "Xianzi," their friends insist that they are not activists.

"They are just a group of young people who care about society... My friends are interested not only in feminism but also in human rights and the rights of vulnerable groups. This has nothing to do with feminist-related activities," said a friend of one of the detainees.

One of the detainees created a Telegram group that expanded from a few members to over 60 people, many of whom used registered phone numbers. Two days later, some of them were interrogated by the police.

"She was taken away while we were on the phone," said the boyfriend of one of the detainees. "She told me that some of her friends had been taken away and disappeared. She was trying to delete some things from her phone, but she was taken away before she could finish."

According to activists, the arrest operations seemed to accelerate in December and January as one friend after another was detained.

Before her arrest, Cao Zhixin sent a video of herself speaking to the camera to her friends. The video also included an explanation that the film would be posted on the internet when she disappeared.

"When our fellow citizens die, we have legitimate emotions to express," Cao said in the video, which has been widely circulated on overseas social media. "We don't want to disappear into thin air... If it's just because we went to mourn at the scene out of sympathy, then how much space is there in this society for our emotions?"


中国“白纸运动”抗议者遭秋后算账 多名参与者失踪或被捕


















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